Music and smut from Jefferson, providing a soundtrack to One Life, Take Two.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Could You Be The One?

Hüsker Dü

Bob Mould is gay. So is Grant Hart. I don’t know about Greg Norton.

When I first learned this, I thought, “Huh—so everyone in Hüsker Dü is gay except maybe the guy with the gay moustache.”

Bob Mould shook up my innate presumption of heterosexuality. I mean, if he was gay, then I supposed anyone might be.

One night, I saw Bob drinking at a bar. He was alone and sat with his elbows on the bar, huddled over his drink, minding his own. I tried not to stare.

At the time, I was young and pretty. What if he noticed me? Would he buy me a drink? Would he take me some place? Would I have sex with Bob Mould?

I would never have made a move to speak to him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to a Bob Mould show wondering, "Who the fuck is Bob Mould?"

I went for a band called Copeland, who were opening.

They played, I left.

I'll send you some Copeland.